This is me and Amy, we started getting ready around 4 cause the formal didn't start till 6 and yes, we ran out of time. . .Our hair wasn't cooperating, the lighting in her room was crap so we stressed about our makeup and what ever kind of boob pieces we chose to wear weren't working. All of which is apparently hilarious. . .What? The boys were out in the lounge room laughing at the random shouts of frustration they heard from Amy's room.
Oh!! I do have one more thing to say! (Notice how I say that I don't have anything to say but sense then I've practically written a novel. . .) This is John. He's my 3rd Host Dad. He hates photos but because he loves me so much, well, look at how amazing this is :)
This is my date. Nic Crouch, I met him while he was America in 2007. I was his date to his Year 12 back in November, this is payback. That and we kinda like seeing each other every now and again :)
And this is Tristen. I just liked this photo. And I like Tristen, cool kid. Thought he was blog worthy :)
And in photograph number six hundred and thirty five! We have (L to R) me, Anna, Gennaeve, Kat and Amy. Talk about sexy girls!!
And these peeps are my other group of mates at after party. Me, Lucy, Jess, Jakarra and Kate (I take it you've caught on that that is Left to Right?).
P.S. My tan is REAL bitches!!!!