Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Adventures on the great sandy shores of Australia

As most of you know, Australia is a giant island. On every coast, golden sand and rolling waves can be found. As most of you also know, Colorado isn't. . . The closest beach is a full on 16 hour drive away and, believe it or not, there is a large population of Colorado who haven't even seen the ocean. That explains my infatuation with the beach. Every day this week, I have found myself looking at the open ocean, taking in the salty smell and the rhythm of the water. Getting lost in the tranquility of it all. And, of course, fitting a few laughs into the midst of it all.

This is me chasing some seaguls. Who needs maturity when you can be free with the birds? Hahaha, it was heaps of fun.

This was a little stick square we found as we meandered down the beach. I attempted to look like I was trapped in the first photo but that didn't turn out so well. So this is what we got instead. Now ya see me!!!

Now ya don't'!!!! It's magic!!!! Or just really obvious special effects. . . .Or just a different photo altogether. . . I thought I'd give it a shot. . . :)

That same day we took a walk down the Mordiallic Pier. There were lots of people fishing off the pier. The sun was shining and it was absolutely gorgeous.

Something that wasn't so pretty was the amount of dead jelly fish that were washed up on the beach. There were hundreds upon hundreds of them. We reckon it was from the storm the previous day. The weather was pretty rough the other day and that would explain why there were so many washed up on the beach.

Earlier that day, we cleaned!!! I had to walk a couple blocks to get the vacuum from Grandma's house. I could have rolled the thing back but I felt a bit awkward walking down the street pushing a vacuum in front of me. So I just picked it up, wrapped the cord around my neck, and continued home, ignoring the funny looks and snigger's from the passersby. Good fun it was :)

This is Jacqulyn's little house attatched to her landlords house. It's small but fit for her. I sleep on the couch. . . :)

Before I left Kybybloilite, Claudia, Nicloa and I had a silly string fight with the silly string my family sent me in that package. We chased eachother and decorated the lawn furniture with silly string for a good 15 minutes. This particular photo is of Claudia and I. Cluade likes to mess with my hair. She puts a heap of hair product into my 3 inches of hair and sticks it up in as many funky directions as possible. It's all good fun. What's even funner is trying to wash it out. Our attempts to keep anything but my head dry, fail miserably and I leave the bathroom like a sopping wet dog, only I smell better. . . :) I love it.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Eating, Laughing and Farting at Jacqulyn's House

So I'm back in Melbourne for the first week of School Holidays. I took the bus and the train up on Friday night and I've been here since. Jacqulyn and I have spent the last three days laughing our asses (or should I say 'arses') off. Everything is funny and quite often I find myself literally rolling on the floor laughing. In fact, just this arvo, when we were eating lunch, I found myself literally falling onto the floor in a fit of hysterics. I was attempting to take a photo withe the self time on my camera and all we got was this. . .

You can just make out Jacqulyn laughing behind my fat foot . . .Something was obviously VERY funny. Thing is, I can't remember what. . . :) Somewhere in that episode, I managed to release some funny smelling gasses, if ya know what I mean :) Which, as you can imagine, made the whole thing even funnier.

The night I arrived we went out for Chinese food and Gelati. This has become another mini tradition of this exchange. Every time I have Chinese food it MUST be followed by a good Gelati from Carlton. Yummmmmmm. . . . Ironic thing is ate at the exact same restaurants as we went to during my fist trip to Melbourne.

On Saturday we spent the day at the beach. We sat on the Jetty for a few hours chatting and eating melting icy poles. This time, I DIDN'T go swimming fully clothed. I simply paddled around in the bay, only getting wet up to my knees keeping my clothes COMPLETLY dry. I'm proud of myself!!! :) When I went to take a photo of the 'culture of Australia' (aka the people on the jetty) there were a couple of (self absorbed) girls tanning farther down. They went so far as to ask me if I was taking photos of them, creepin on em ya know. . .cause I'm a lesbo and all. Jacq and I decided it's cause of the short hair, it's the only logical conclusion. Girl with short hair = lesbian :) Anyways they asked to see the photos. Jacqulyn and I had a good laugh about that too. Hahaha. . . you had to be there to see the humor in it all.

This is Jacqulyn, she's to be my next host sister. I'm staying at her house for the week I'm in Melbourne. She's amazing!! She makes me laugh so hard and I can be a complete idiot with her and not worry about a thing. I love it!!!

On Saturday night we went to a Toga Party, which was basically a geek fest where everyone showed up in togas. . . I love em anyways. . . :) People had wrapped their scantly clad bodies in satin sheets and sheer curtains. I saw many a man boob that night. . . .I'm scarred for life :) Nah, it was a ball. Some funny stuff happened. . .things involving cockroaches and spas. . . .hehehe This is a photo of Jacqulyn and I beating each other with cooking utensils as we prepared dinner before we left. This was another failed attempt at the self timer function on my camera. . . or it's just a funny lookin photo. . .take your pick. . .it might have something to do with the fact that we're in togas our selves. . . well skirts wrapped around our selves in funky ways. . .we got creative. . . :)
So I've decide that the reason exchange students get fat is this. . .

All the foreign sweets that we just HAVE to try. The skittles aren't foreign but my family sent them to me in a package and I just had to eat them. . .no one said anything about doing it in three days, but what the hell!! I did it anyways!!! And the TimTams. . . I ate an entire packet of 11 in something like 6 hours. . . and all of those chocolate bars were gone in one sitting. Of course, that just means I was sitting in the same place for a couple of hours. . .People do stupid things in foreign countries. . . . Anyways, the verdict was. . .drum roll please!!!. . .Mars bars are the best (aside from TimTams and Picnic bars that is). They have nougat, caramel and chocolate. Boost bars are caramel, chocolate and little crunchy pieces of biscuit. They're not so good cause there's just so much chocolate. A Flake is basically a flaky bit of milk chocolate that falls all over you as you eat it. . .not so much fun. . . the chocolate falls into places and gets all warm, melty and fuzzy. . . :) And Picnics are almost as magical as TimTams. . . YAY for Picnics (and TimTams)!!!! Ugly yet scrumptious!!! All of the wrappers are glued into a notebook that I've been using to scrap book my way through Australia. Every ticket stub, chocolate wrapper and brochure finds it's way into this book. I even have some cow hair from the Royal Adeliade Show and a Gelati Spoon glued into it.

Then just a couple of hours ago. . .I decided I needed more sugar. . .worst decision ever. . . my stomach aches. . . we made biscuits and I just sat down, dug in and watched a movie. . .I only got about ten cookies worth into it then I felt like spewing and put it aside. . .See what I mean! People do stupid shit overseas!!!! :) This lead to yet another fit of hysterical laughter. . .

So on the more serious (and some what healthier) side of things. Jacqulyn and I took a WALK (exercise!!! haha) down to the beach where we watched the sunset, took photos and listened as the waves crashed on the shore. I took the time to reflect on my trip so far and what' going on in my life. The photo is the view I took in as I contemplated things. I've decided that I am very lucky to be where I am, and to have spent time with these people. I am truly enjoying myself. I realize that this opportunity is that of a lifetime and that I am the only one experiencing it like I am. All these memories are mine to cherish and look back on with fondness (and nostalgia) for the rest of my life. It's probably the best thing to ever happen to me. Thanks to all of you who helped get me here.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Rotary Presentation

Every exchange student must prepare a pretty lengthy presentation to give in their hosting country. It needs to cover the basics such as where you live, the members of your family, the things you like to do and some stuff about the country you're from. Sounds like fun right?? I was lucky enough to have to present my presentation last night. Fun fun fun. . .nah, it wasn't that bad. It actually went really really really well. I even got a few laughs out of the old folk that make up my Rotary Club. Not that there's anything wrong with old people :) Anyways. . .I talked about me mostly, as that was what i was supposed to do. And I just think I'm that interesting. . . hahaha But it was good. It put me in a very good mood when I was finished.
This is a photo of me with Sue Willaims and Val McGlashan after I presented my power point and my hosting Rotary Club had presented me with one of their banners. Very exciting!!! Sue Williams is the District 9780 country contact for the United States and she came all the way from Horsham to see my presentation. Val is my Hosting Rotary Club President. And I'm wearing my Rotary Blazer which is very decorated already. The back has a Koala and an Australian Flag sewn onto it. And I want to put one of my Hosting Rotary Club's banners on one arm and one of my Sponsoring Rotary Club's banners on the other. . . and to think I've got another ten months to decorate the damn thing!!!

Christmas in September :)

So, back home in the states my family has been living their lives with out me. . .seeing as I'm here it's kinda logical. . .Anyways I just got my first package from them last night. That was SOOOOO exciting. It's like Christmas came early!!! It's almost as exciting as seeing your home town in a guide book and being able to read about it and think "Hey, I live there. . .I've done that. . ." It's amazing!! They sent me a ginormas bag of Skittles and even though you can get them here it still ment the world to me. Cause I love Skittles and they remembered that. Same goes for the Peanutbutter. It's my favorite. They also sent me a bunch of Ariel the Little Mermaid stuff. . . hahaha I've never heard that one before :) Hayley, my twin sister, sent me photos of a career camp she did earlier this year. This is exceptionally exciting because these are the only photos that I've gotten since I left. It's wierd because they know exactly what I'm doing over here because I blog about it. But I've got no idea what's going on back home. Sure I know that they're going to school and what not but I wanna know more. I wanna know how different life is for them with me gone. Is it strange to wake up and walk past my empty room every morning?? To only have to take one sister to school?? To come home and only have two other people at the house?? What's it like with out me there?? Anyways. . .these are some of the photos that they sent me This is Hayley holding some kind of reptile at her Sea World Adventure Camp. She got to spend a week doing behind the sceens stuff at SeaWorld. How fun!! I'm happy to know she had an amazing time. In every photo she is smiling and that's the best feeling, to know that she is happy. I love it.

This is Hayley kinda sorta swimming with the Dolphins. She is the one one the far right. It's funny how familiar the back of her head is. . .anyways, this was her favorite part cause she LOVES dolphins. This is what she want's to do when she grows up, work at SeaWorld as one of the people who do the shows.

YAY for packages!!! It was seriouslsy one of the best things to happen so far.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Beachport, Port MacDonald and Mount Gambier

We just got back from a weekend trip to Mount Gambier, Beachport and Port MacDonald. Beachport is the most amazing place ever. The water is this amazing blue-green color. It's just beautiful. But it is hell windy. The ocean is so powerful down there. The waves are massive. Never before have I really understood why people are intimidated by the ocean until I saw that beach. It is a perfect example of how powerful the ocean can be. Possibly because the wind/water is coming straight off of Antarctica. . . it is the southern ocean after all.

This is the Beachport Jetty (pier for all you yanks reading this), well the sign at least. Claudia and I were holding it because it was falling over. And we're just that strong :) The Jetty is one of the longest in Australia. It's a Kilometer and half to the end and another Kilometer and half back. Plus Claudia and I were skipping and singing most of the way so we definitely got our daily exercise :) Fun fun fun!!!
The Jetty is very skinny and rickety so I though I'd send Claudia in for a little swim . . .ah the good memories I'm creating with my host sister, traumatizing her is heaps fun :) Kidding, it was staged. I love Claude to much to throw her overboard. It'd be more likely that I'd be diving in after to save her :) She brightens my day and makes me giggle. I don't know what I'd do with out her :)

I got wet at this beach as you can see, I'm running from the water. Which didn't really matter because Claudia and I went swimming at the next one :)

Did I mention we were fully clothed??? You would think I would have learned :) Guess those damn yanks are slow learners?? Wouldn't ya reckon?? hahahaha Only problem is, I only packed one bra. . . .

We were going out later that night so I had to wear it again. . . meaning it had to sit out and dry by the fire . . . see what I mean, slow learners. . .or maybe I'm just a bit thick. . .either or :)

When we went out that night it was to a Taiko Drumming concert. We all got kind of dressed up and this a is a photo of us looking pretty. From left to right is Auntie Lee, Claudia, me and Marilyn. That's Host aunt, Host sister, Foreigner and Host mom :)

The reason we took this mini vacation is because Claudia and Jacob had a Karate Grading in Mount Gambier and the coast is very close so we made a few pit stops. Claudia and Jacob are now the proud owners of red belts. YAY!!!!

After the Karate Grading we went out for lunch at Fasta Pasta. Clever name for a spaghetti joint don't ya think??? Well they had this hilarious sign and amazing food. Loved it.

We also went to Shelly Beach, just another beach in Port MacDonald. It was really windy here as well but the sun was out and it was a beautiful day.
Marilyn, Jacob,


and I. . . .

CAN FLY!!!!!!!

The wind was so Strong when we went to Beachport we figured that if we flapped our arms enough, we would be able to fly with the seaguls :)

Monday, 15 September 2008

Tim Tams and School

Tim Tams are the most amazing Australian dessert you will ever eat. They are chocolate biscuts covered in Chocolate and they are the best!!! Never come to Oz without trying them. To bad they don't sell them anywhere else in the world. If you have a specialty Australian shop anywhere near you, go buy a packet NOW!!!!

This is me eating Tim Tam Cheese cake, I don't usually like cheese cake but Tim Tams are so magical, they made me love it.

This is just a photo of me in my school uniform. It's blue. . . and I have mad red eye. . .


This is the giant pink pony that I won at the games at the Royal Adelaide Show. The show is basically a giant county fair only it's a really really big deal.

I got to milk a cow at the show, I even got a badge!!! At the start, before you got to the actual cow, they had you squeeze a rubber glove full of water, to get the feel for it ya know?? :)

We went to Handorf the same weekend we were in Adelaide. Handorf is an old German Settlement in the Adelaide hills. I love the Adelaide hills. If I ever moved back to Oz, I think I'd live there. It's close enough to the beach and the city but it's still kind of seperate and quite. It's beautiful.

This is just a pretty photo from Kybybolite (the town I live in) on the outskirts of Naracoorte (where I go to school)

This is the show bag pavilion at the Royal Adelaide Show. This is where you buy a bag full of junk and keep it as a souvineer, I bought a wonka one and I got a funky hat to go with it!!! :) It's very bright and full of people.

These are the jesters that were wandering around to entertain the kids. hehehe :)

This is the cow that i was supposed to help out with at the show. I went with the School's Ag department. They get to rais cows for about 6 months and then they take them to the Adelaide show to have them judged. Then they get killed and sent off to a butcher. . . I don't think I've ever seen someone get so emotional about a cow. . .

We went to Glenelg on that same weekend. It was a beautiful day, 28 degrees celsius. Amazing!!! Nicola and I didn't have any bathers so we went for a swim fully clothed. It was heaps of fun!!! This is Nicola (my host sister age 14) and Marilyn (my host mom) on the Glenelg Pier.

This is Nicola's Tournament of the Minds team in full dress rehersal. It's kind of like Destination Imagination. They were heaps good, but not good enough to win :)

Friday, 5 September 2008


We went to an Aboriginal center in Halls Gap and I pretended to make a fire at the grass hut. Hehehe

I went to a wildlife Refuge in Halls Gap two weekends ago. I got to pet a Kangaroo!!! This is a photo of me and my host sister Fran. There was even an albino one. I also got to pet some wallabies and I saw as koala, a wombat, some emus and a few dingos. It was awesome. Hilarious too because there was this deer that kept following us around as we tried to feed the roos. It would bite the bag in out hands. It was hilarious.

On that same trip, we took a drive in the Grampians. These are a perfect example of Australian mountains. They aren't mountains, they're hill. I live at an elevation that's higher than their highest mountain. It makes me laugh. This is me and my host mom Marilyn.

On our way to Halls Gap we stopped off at the Giant Koala. It's hideous and totally not worth your time. But I got a photo. :)

During this same trip, we went to Horsham for a Rotary meeting. I got to meet all of the other exchange students in my district. There are about 13 or 14 or us. It was very exciting to meet all of them and I can't wait to see them again in November :)