So, back home in the states my family has been living their lives with out me. . .seeing as I'm here it's kinda logical. . .Anyways I just got my first package from them last night. That was SOOOOO exciting. It's like Christmas came early!!! It's almost as exciting as seeing your home town in a guide book and being able to read about it and think "Hey, I live there. . .I've done that. . ." It's amazing!! They sent me a ginormas bag of Skittles and even though you can get them here it still ment the world to me. Cause I love Skittles and they remembered that. Same goes for the Peanutbutter. It's my favorite. They also sent me a bunch of Ariel the Little Mermaid stuff. . . hahaha I've never heard that one before :) Hayley, my twin sister, sent me photos of a career camp she did earlier this year. This is exceptionally exciting because these are the only photos that I've gotten since I left. It's wierd because they know exactly what I'm doing over here because I blog about it. But I've got no idea what's going on back home. Sure I know that they're going to school and what not but I wanna know more. I wanna know how different life is for them with me gone. Is it strange to wake up and walk past my empty room every morning?? To only have to take one sister to school?? To come home and only have two other people at the house?? What's it like with out me there?? Anyways. . .these are some of the photos that they sent me
This is Hayley holding some kind of reptile at her Sea World Adventure Camp. She got to spend a week doing behind the sceens stuff at SeaWorld. How fun!! I'm happy to know she had an amazing time. In every photo she is smiling and that's the best feeling, to know that she is happy. I love it.
This is Hayley kinda sorta swimming with the Dolphins. She is the one one the far right. It's funny how familiar the back of her head is. . .anyways, this was her favorite part cause she LOVES dolphins. This is what she want's to do when she grows up, work at SeaWorld as one of the people who do the shows.
YAY for packages!!! It was seriouslsy one of the best things to happen so far.
my favorite picture of hayley is when they are all in scuba suits and she has her mask and snorkel on while the rest of the california girls are practicing their valley girl beauty poses.
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