This is my mum on the Ferry to Manly. People say she looks like me. . .?
We also went to the Blue Mountains on a Bus trip. We went to a wildlife park and then drove up and tried to see the Three sisters. Problem was, it was foggy as and we couldn't see a thing. So here, have a photo of four smiling super tourists who even went so far as to have their photo posed with a Koala :)
(L to R) Autumn, me, Mum and Hayley.
And here's another irrelevant photo. We then went up to Cairns and spent two nights staying on Green Island. Which is an island made out of Coral sediment stuff. It's millions of years old and has a thriving rain Forest living on it. We spent three days snorkeling and got our backs horribly burnt. And seeing as snorkeling requires that you be in the water, I never took my digital camera down and got a photo of us. So here's one of some complete strangers :) The Coral was very pretty and, the farther out you went, the more diversity there was. Me and my sisters also went for a short Scuba Diving adventure in the Outer Reef. That was really good. You would expect the colours to be brighter but the water, it dulls the colour. But it's still well worth the trip.
Then we were off to Melbourne. After the four hour plane flight we got off expecting there to be an hour time difference. When the captain announced that there wasn't one. We were all SOO confused. Then someone came to their senses and remembered that that wonderful thing called daylight savings must have ended and everyone was happy again :) That night we went over to the Cole's house and had Tea. Then we got on Public Transport and headed for the City. We did the Queen Victoria Markets and looked at some of the touristy things in Melbourne.
L to R we have Autumn, Mum, me, Hayley and Britt Cole who tagged along as our tour guide :)
Things like this awesome Graffiti Alley where it's just full of art.
(Hayley and Mum)
Then we made our way over to a place called Halls Gap in the Grampians. Real Australia. Out of the cities and into the country, my land. Where there is nothing but gum trees. I love it. This is Borken Falls near Mckenzie falls on the other side of the mountains from Halls Gap. Here we went out for tea with my Country Contact with Rotary, Sue Williams and her husband Allan.
(Hayley, mum and Autumn)
The next day we made our way over to Naracoorte. Where I made them stay a night in Kyby, my first host family lives there. It's literally two shacks and a footy oval, TINY. Then we went to the caves and pretty much did nothing else aside from meeting my people cause that's all that's worth seeing here in Naracoorte. A town NOT meant for tourists, one that was totally unprepared for this yankee invasion.
very cool looks you & the family had @ great time & happy happy easter to all the family in assie land ! love dad p.s. wish i was their! DAD
Yay, it looks like you're growing your hair out! Heehee, awesome possum. I can't believe you all are over there now...just the other day Hayley and Autumn were at school and now they're over there! =O Kind of an amazing thing XP. Love you Ariel and Happy Easter from your United States Fuzzhead =D <3
I LOVE your blue frilly sundress. :)
Haha, isn't it cool how that's the thing I comment on - versus the sights and activities and snorkeling?
But that's prolly 'cos I've been to Australia myself so it's not quite so strange and exotic.
Actually, still exotic, but not strange. Just pretty and I wish I were there again...
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