I spent the entire time screaming, but that's half the fun of it. Nicola thought I was scared shitless but it was all and act. . .or that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night :) . . .The ride goes around in circles and you hang from your seat, completly upside down, for a few seconds at a time. Great fun it was. :)
Hey, ya know what I just realized? It's my Aunts Birthday here in Oz. But not in the US. Well not quite yet. . .Back to business. . . .I also went on this one called the. . .Skydiver?. . .was that it?? Anyways . . . Nic and I screamed bloody murder on that one two. For a laugh, ya know? Twas fun.This is a family portrait. Well, the half the family I went with. . .Nic, Ryan, Claude and Jacob (left to right) They're standing in front of the car part of the show. For some reason it's 'intresting' to look at old utes (pick up trucks) and semi's. . .don't ask me why :)

This is Nic and I eating Dagwood Dogs. They're Aussie corndogs, only the bread on the outside is seasoned differently. And they call ketchup "sauce" and it's thinner or something. And they put it on bloody everything. . .well not everything. . .that might be a tad bit of an exaggeration. . .just maybe. . .a little :)

And these are to brownies I made. Packet mix (they didn't break in half though). From America, arrived via mail several week ago. The brownies are half gone. . .we forgot to get a photo of me mixing it, so for all you know, Marilyn could have made them. . . but would this face lie to you?? Nah, never :) They took heaps long to make. They were in the oven for like an hour and a half. . .Those pants I'm wearing have got to be like 6 years old. They used to be white but now they're grey. And I think there is about ten holes in em. But I still brought them half way across the world. . . And that's my tourist t-shirt!!! But I'd say the tourist jumper is worse. . .blue with a ginormous Aussie flag across the front. It just screams foreigner :)
were the rides like the one at eliges park that we went on? (not dillion) the one that hung upsidown! the mind eraser :)
sure were hayley!!!! Only it spun around in circles and went upside down more often and lasted heaps longer. :)
Ahhh, the kamikaze. It actually goes to quite a few of these places, and I went on it once. Never again. I spent the next hour nauseous. Gah.
very cool looks like lots of fun ! dad
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