It's hard to express the joy I feel when I hear that merry tune "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear
Ariel, happy birthday to you" Notice that there is only ONE name mentioned in the song. It's a strange feeling to have something that you've shared all your life with someone else all to yourself, and the theme song to that something is music to my ears. It's what I've always wanted, a birthday all to myself (you twins know what I mean:)) And it's been the best ever. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it special.

So I paid my final visit to Melbourne this week. I came up for my birthday and to meet with Rotary for the start of Safari. I visited the
Coles, had a birthday tea with the family, Annie and Pete and Amelia. That's like celebration number 4. . .I've turned 17 like 5 times this week!! I had the same problem with the candles here. . .the last one just wouldn't go out!! AND this time I made sure to touch the plate with the knife, I really really wanted to kiss Dane :) Jenny was even clever enough to buy me a hat that matched my scarf!! The plan is to make that hat last through three weeks of camping. . .it's wrapped in my St.
Kilda scarf nestled in the corner of my bag. . .we'll see how that goes. . .

My cake had the cutest
smiley candles. . .it's kinda creepy actually, they're STARING at you :) This is cake number. . .5? I made a
Dia made a chocolate mud cake and a chocolate mint
cheese cake, I had this cake with the
Coles, I had a cake with
Jacqu and
Asha last night and I'll have some more tonight with all my
exchange buddies!! What can I say? I'm well celebrated :)
Jacqulyn had a great idea and got me a cake that
didn't' need blowing out. . .thank god. . .I've got enough of these '
persistent boyfriends' running
around the place. . .Rotary was starting to get worried for a minute there (wink wink John)

This is
Asha, she's coming to America next year. Or so she says. . .We're gonna road trip. . or so she says. . .I'll believe it when I see it. . .But I love her anyways :) Safari starts tomorrow.
YAY Three weeks of little sleep and immature
exchange students!
YAY!! Really, it's not so bad as it sounds :)
1 comment:
A) Yesterday when I said I HATE that photo of me...I meant it. And then you went and posted it on your blog!!! haha
B) I AM COMING TO AMERICA. Watch out US of A....Asha is a comin'!!!
C) We are going to road trip...I even started researching today.
so there...haha
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