See, look how sick that is. I'm officially an Aussie Chef :) Note the T-shirt too. It's a tourist T-shirt in disguise if you didn't notice. . .instead of just saying "Australia" straight up, it only looks like Australia. Clever eh? I though so . . .
Anywho, today we celebrated something wonderful. 17 years of Ariel. Couldn't get much better than that :) For once in my life, I had my own birthday. I'll have you know that this year, I'm 16 and a half hours older than my twin. . . due to the time difference . . . And, I'm so amazing that it took about 8 attempts to blow out all my candles. . .and apparently I have 7 boyfriends. . .and the last one is real persistant :) It's an aussie thing, after your frist attempt at blowing out the candles, however many are left alight is the number of boyfriends you've got. And ya know how in American we make a wish when we blow out the candles, well here, in the wonderful land of OZ, you make a wish when you cut the cake. And if you touch the plate, you have to kiss the nearest boy. When Timmy heard that, he ran for his life :) which was really dissappointing, cause I really wanted to give him a big, fat smack on the cheek :)
Yesterdy I went to the Footy out at Kyby, my favorite of my three hometowns. . .right. . .anyways. . .I went for the Footy, in which Kyby absolutly smashed Borders. And just an FYI for all you Yankee's, Footy is the most amazing sport ever. You are missing out cause you have no idea what I'm even talking about. . .And I won't attempt to explain cause it's far to confusing unless you're watching it on the telly or out at the oval. Anywho, it turns Kyby into a hotspot. Once every now and again, there are acutally people out there. Rather than the usual feral dogs, three neighbors and the entire Bartosek famliy (Great Aunt, Nan and Pap, Aunt's and Uncles, immeidate family etc), there are about a hundred who come for the sport. It's a real community event.
Oh, and this morning, I went to church for the first time in my adult life. It was an intresting and suprising emotional experience for me. Seeing all those people joined by something so simple as a belief, was kinda cool to see. But I don't have a photo of that one. . . sorry . . . I sang hyms and learned about some passage in the bible. . .it was intresting, an experience for sure. Like the last 10 months have been an experince, with every day presenting something new.
I agree with you it is nice to have a birthday alone!! I am not having any party or anything but it is like that every year with me.anwho love you. Happy b-day sis! so cool...i want to be you :P
love the girl who lives in Frankston
Happy Birthday Ariel! And many more single birthdays to come since this one was such a roaring success! :) Wishing I was there to celebrate with you - Love Dad
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