As most of you know, Australia is a giant island. On every coast, golden sand and rolling waves can be found. As most of you also know, Colorado isn't. . . The closest beach is a full on 16 hour drive away and, believe it or not, there is a large population of Colorado who haven't even seen the ocean. That explains my infatuation with the beach. Every day this week, I have found myself looking at the open ocean, taking in the salty smell and the rhythm of the water. Getting lost in the tranquility of it all. And, of course, fitting a few laughs into the midst of it all.
This is me chasing some seaguls. Who needs maturity when you can be free with the birds? Hahaha, it was heaps of fun.
This was a little stick square we found as we meandered down the beach. I attempted to look like I was trapped in the first photo but that didn't turn out so well. So this is what we got instead. Now ya see me!!!
Now ya don't'!!!! It's magic!!!! Or just really obvious special effects. . . .Or just a different photo altogether. . . I thought I'd give it a shot. . . :)
That same day we took a walk down the Mordiallic Pier. There were lots of people fishing off the pier. The sun was shining and it was absolutely gorgeous.
Something that wasn't so pretty was the amount of dead jelly fish that were washed up on the beach. There were hundreds upon hundreds of them. We reckon it was from the storm the previous day. The weather was pretty rough the other day and that would explain why there were so many washed up on the beach.
Earlier that day, we cleaned!!! I had to walk a couple blocks to get the vacuum from Grandma's house. I could have rolled the thing back but I felt a bit awkward walking down the street pushing a vacuum in front of me. So I just picked it up, wrapped the cord around my neck, and continued home, ignoring the funny looks and snigger's from the passersby. Good fun it was :)
This is Jacqulyn's little house attatched to her landlords house. It's small but fit for her. I sleep on the couch. . . :)
Before I left Kybybloilite, Claudia, Nicloa and I had a silly string fight with the silly string my family sent me in that package. We chased eachother and decorated the lawn furniture with silly string for a good 15 minutes. This particular photo is of Claudia and I. Cluade likes to mess with my hair. She puts a heap of hair product into my 3 inches of hair and sticks it up in as many funky directions as possible. It's all good fun. What's even funner is trying to wash it out. Our attempts to keep anything but my head dry, fail miserably and I leave the bathroom like a sopping wet dog, only I smell better. . . :) I love it.
cute hair doo & i bet the couch is perty unconfortable also !love dad
dead squishys? nooooooooooooo!
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