YAY!! Something intresting finally happened!! Well, that depends on what you call intresting. . .For Nazza, this was intresting. Today was the CFS Fire Parade. It marks the start of the fire season. Yup, that's right, the fire season starts in October. . .How strange is that?? Isn't is supposed to be winter?!?!?!? Na, who am I kiddin! It's freggin hot here! Yesterday was 33 again, today is just humid. Not the wet kind of humid you get in the eastern US but it's just. . . like the air is hell thick and it's still bloody hot. Or as Andrew says, it's pregnant :) I'm gonna melt :)

This is Smokey the KOALA. Not Smokey the Bear. We're in Australia, remember?? :) hahaha I found that particularlly amusing
This is a Fire Truck. Duh. Well, look at the front of it. It's flat. I can't quite remember what the front of big trucks look like in the US, how sad is that? But I can remember thinking that these ones were hell strange. I remember driving back from Adelaide the day I arrived and thinking 'wow, those are the strangest looking trucks I've ever seen'. Now they're just the norm.

This is just an ancient one. It's from Binnum. A tiny town some where past Kyby. I thought it was the coolest and deserved a spot on my blog :)

This is my host Dad Andy and Cluade. He is a Volunteer Fireman. Most fire services in Australia are volunteer orientated. The spaces between the large towns and the tiny ones are to great, so they need volunteers. YAY for volunteers :) But the thing is, once you get a criminal record, for anything what so ever, you can no longer volunteer for anything. Even if it's the smallest charge, you just cant' volunteer at all. That's not cool.
omg another koala!!!! lucky girl, i misses you. I get to see Barack Obama tomorrow, he's gonna be at my school. woohoo.
I miss you dorothy
I had no idea Koalas were so BIG. Dang his nose is like as big as your head. Try to sneak that one back on your luggage for me.
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